¿ESTÁ FINALIZANDO LA GUERRA EN EUROPA? (English version of the article available below the Spanish one)
08.01.2024 21:24
Rusia volvió a atacar. Cincuenta misiles y ocho drones fueron lanzados contra objetivos en territorio ucraniano. La Fuerza Aérea ucraniana dice haber derribado los ocho drones, pero hay vídeos que sugieren lo contrario. Las tropas rusas también están avanzando por tierra. El destino de Ucrania parece estar sellado. El congreso estadounidense no aprueba nuevos fondos y la mayor parte de la ayuda financiera y material que todavía está disponible va a Israel. De todos modos, estadounidenses y británicos presionan para que se siga ayudando a Kiev. Los países miembros de la Unión Europea están cansados, al menos sus ciudadanos. Hoy los productores agropecuarios alemanes tomaron las calles y las cubrieron de estiércol. El hecho no impidió que Olaf Scholz reiterara su pedido de ayuda a Ucrania, es el títere perfecto, no tiene olfato.
Sea como fuere, los arsenales europeos están vacíos y no hay forma de seguir dándole un apoyo bélico efectivo a los ucranianos. No faltan quienes se preocupan por lo que pudiera ser la reacción estadounidense y británica ante una caída de Ucrania. Algunos hasta sugieren que podrían apelar a armas nucleares. Nos parece poco probable. El país del mundo con más armas nucleares y las armas más modernas no es Estados Unidos, ni siquiera China, el país nuclearmente más poderoso es Rusia. La otra opción que se maneja o que se estudia es la de enviar tropas estadounidenses u otras a territorio ucraniano. En ese caso podría ser Moscú quien se viera tentada a apelar a armas nucleares tácticas. Todo se ve complicado por el año electoral en los Estados Unidos. Los demócratas van a tener que enfrentar su derrota ucraniana en las urnas estadounidenses. Se comprenderá que en esas circunstancias toda negociación se vuelve muy lenta. Los rusos entre tanto seguirán avanzando.
Una opción que tienen los anglosajones es convencer a algún otro país europeo para que se involucre directamente en la guerra. Polonia parece ser el candidato ideal. El problema es que los polacos forman parte de la OTAN, y el ataque a uno de esos países es el ataque a todos, a menos que los agresores sean los propios polacos. Por si eso fuera poco, la situación en Medio Oriente es cada vez más complicada y Corea del Norte se muestra cada vez más hostil. Los norteamericanos podrían verse enfrentando conflictos en varios frentes al mismo tiempo. Por mucho que cueste aceptarlo, los Estados Unidos no destruyeron solo a Europa, también se pusieron a sí mismos al borde del abismo.
Russia attacked again. Fifty missiles and 8 drones were launched on Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian air defense claims to have shot down the 8 drones, but there are videos suggesting otherwise. Russian troops were also advancing on land. The fate of Ukraine seems to be sealed. The US Congress does not approve new funds and most of the aid that is still available goes to Israel. In any case, the Americans and the British are pressing for further assistance to Kiev. The member countries of the Union are tired, at least their citizens. Today German agricultural producers took to the streets and covered them with manure. The fact did not prevent Olaf Scholz from asking for more support for Ukraine.
The European arsenals are empty and there is no way to continue giving effective military support to the Ukrainians. There is no shortage of those who worry about what the American and British reaction to a fall of Ukraine might be. Some even suggest that they could appeal to nuclear weapons. It seems unlikely to us. The country in the world with the most nuclear weapons and the most modern weapons is not the United States, not even China, the most powerful nuclear country is Russia. The other option that is being studied is to send American or other troops to Ukrainian territory. In that case it could be Moscow that was tempted to appeal to tactical nuclear weapons.
Everything is complicated by the election year in the United States. The Democrats are going to have to face their Ukrainian defeat at the American polls. It is easy to understand that in such circumstances the whole negotiation becomes very slow. The Russians will continue to advance. One option that the Anglo-Saxons have is to convince some other European country to get directly involved in the war. Poland seems to be the ideal candidate. The problem is that the Poles are part of NATO, and the attack on one of those countries is the attack on all, unless the aggressors are the Poles themselves. As if that wouldn't be enough, the situation in the Middle East is getting more and more complicated and North Korea is showing itself more and more hostile. The Americans could find themselves facing conflicts on several fronts at the same time. It is difficult to accept, but the United States did not destroy only Europe, they also put themselves on the edge of the abyss.
Russia attacked again. Fifty missiles and 8 drones were launched on Ukrainian territory. The Ukrainian air defense claims to have shot down the 8 drones, but there are videos suggesting otherwise. Russian troops were also advancing on land. The fate of Ukraine seems to be sealed. The US Congress does not approve new funds and most of the aid that is still available goes to Israel. In any case, the Americans and the British are pressing for further assistance to Kiev. The member countries of the Union are tired, at least their citizens. Today German agricultural producers took to the streets and covered them with manure. The fact did not prevent Olaf Scholz from asking for more support for Ukraine.
The European arsenals are empty and there is no way to continue giving effective military support to the Ukrainians. There is no shortage of those who worry about what the American and British reaction to a fall of Ukraine might be. Some even suggest that they could appeal to nuclear weapons. It seems unlikely to us. The country in the world with the most nuclear weapons and the most modern weapons is not the United States, not even China, the most powerful nuclear country is Russia. The other option that is being studied is to send American or other troops to Ukrainian territory. In that case it could be Moscow that was tempted to appeal to tactical nuclear weapons.
Everything is complicated by the election year in the United States. The Democrats are going to have to face their Ukrainian defeat at the American polls. It is easy to understand that in such circumstances the whole negotiation becomes very slow. The Russians will continue to advance. One option that the Anglo-Saxons have is to convince some other European country to get directly involved in the war. Poland seems to be the ideal candidate. The problem is that the Poles are part of NATO, and the attack on one of those countries is the attack on all, unless the aggressors are the Poles themselves. As if that wouldn't be enough, the situation in the Middle East is getting more and more complicated and North Korea is showing itself more and more hostile. The Americans could find themselves facing conflicts on several fronts at the same time. It is difficult to accept, but the United States did not destroy only Europe, they also put themselves on the edge of the abyss.