"ES SÓLO UNA CUESTIÓN DE TIEMPO" QUE LOS HUTÍES GOLPEEN UN BUQUE DE GUERRA (English version available below the Spanish one)
03.01.2024 08:21
Mientras la situación en el Mar Rojo se complica, parece inevitable que el precio del petróleo se eleve al menos algo. Mientras Irán envía a la zona uno de sus destructores, un ex comandante de la Royal Navy expresó al medio Forces News que Gran Bretaña debería enviar el grupo de batalla de portaaviones del HMS Queen Elizabeth al mencionado mar. Aseguró que, en caso contrario, sería sólo una cuestión de tiempo que los hutíes golpeen un buque de guerra. El ex Comandante Tom Sharpe sugiere que las fuerzas británicas ataquen las posiciones de los rebeldes. Los iraníes están acrecentando su influencia en la zona con la presencia del destructor mencionado como respuesta al hundimiento de tres embarcaciones de los hutíes por parte de los EEUU. A eso se suma la amenaza rusa de hundir un buque británico ya sea con sus propios medios o transfiriéndole algún tipo de misil para hacerlo a los insurgentes que operan en (desde) Yemen. Israel sigue bombardeando zonas fronterizas en el Líbano, complicando aún más el panorama.
En el Mar Negro, por su parte, las cosas tampoco están tranquilas. Turquía impidió la entrada de dos buques cazaminas donados por el Reino Unido al Mar Negro, basándose en el derecho internacional en relación al uso de los estrechos en tiempos de guerra. Fue una medida sensata por parte de los turcos. Los polacos, por su parte, hicieron un llamado a seguir apoyando a Ucrania y a suministrarle armas aún más poderosas, con lo cual no sólo no contribuyen a la paz sino que se exponen a tarde o temprano ser el blanco de un eventual ataque ruso.
Dos misiles Kh-22 y bombas montadas en un Tu-22M3 ruso - Foto: Jno
Rusia ya parece haber tomado una postura de seguir atacando hasta que alguien se siente a negociar la paz, obviamente en sus términos ya que se considera ganadora de conflicto. En los últimos días dio muestras de su capacidad de bombardeo, ya sea con drones o con misiles. Los estadounidenses intentan bloquear a China, un importante proveedor ruso en materia de tecnología. Washington está intentando interrumpir el suministro a los chinos de algunas máquinas de alta tecnología, con lo cual intenta frenar el apoyo chino a Rusia. Dudamos que eso resulte siendo muy efectivo como no fue efectivo el bloqueo económico. Las empresas proveedoras, compañías privadas europeas que suministran el equipamiento, no querrán perder dinero por una orden de los norteamericanos. Biden y su entorno se vieron muy debilitados, para verificarlo basta con ver las encuestas.
While the situation in the Red Sea is getting more and more complicated, it seems inevitable that the price of oil will rise at least somewhat. While Iran is sending one of its destroyers to the area, a former Royal Navy commander told the British YouTube channel Forces News that Britain should send the HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier battle group to the aforementioned sea. He assured that, otherwise, it would be only a matter of time before the Houthis hit a warship. Former Commander Tom Sharpe suggests that British forces attack rebel positions. The Iranians are increasing their influence in the area with the presence of the destroyer as a response to the sinking of three Houthi boats by the United States. Meanwhile Russia threats to sink a British ship either with its own means or by transferring some kind of missile to do it to the insurgents operating in (from) Yemen. Israel continues to bomb border areas in Lebanon, further complicating the picture.
In the Black Sea things are not calm either. Turkey prevented the entry of two minehunters donated by the United Kingdom tu Ukraine to the Black Sea, based on international law regarding the use of the straits in wartime. It was a sensible move on the part of the Turks. The Poles, for their part, called for continued support for Ukraine and to supply it with even more powerful weapons, which not only does not contribute to peace but exposes Poland to become the target of a possible Russian attack.
Russia already seems to have taken a stance of continuing to attack until someone sits down to negotiate peace, obviously on its terms since it considers itself the winner of the conflict. In recent days, it has demonstrated its bombing capabilities, either with drones or missiles. The Americans are trying to block China, a major Russian supplier in terms of technology. Washington is trying to interrupt the supply of some high-tech machines to the Chinese, thereby trying to curb Chinese support for Russia. We doubt that this will turn out to be very effective as the economic blockade was not effective. The supplier companies, private European companies that supply the equipment, will not want to lose money for an order from the Americans. Biden and his entourage were very weakened, to verify it it is enough to look at the polls.
While the situation in the Red Sea is getting more and more complicated, it seems inevitable that the price of oil will rise at least somewhat. While Iran is sending one of its destroyers to the area, a former Royal Navy commander told the British YouTube channel Forces News that Britain should send the HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier battle group to the aforementioned sea. He assured that, otherwise, it would be only a matter of time before the Houthis hit a warship. Former Commander Tom Sharpe suggests that British forces attack rebel positions. The Iranians are increasing their influence in the area with the presence of the destroyer as a response to the sinking of three Houthi boats by the United States. Meanwhile Russia threats to sink a British ship either with its own means or by transferring some kind of missile to do it to the insurgents operating in (from) Yemen. Israel continues to bomb border areas in Lebanon, further complicating the picture.
In the Black Sea things are not calm either. Turkey prevented the entry of two minehunters donated by the United Kingdom tu Ukraine to the Black Sea, based on international law regarding the use of the straits in wartime. It was a sensible move on the part of the Turks. The Poles, for their part, called for continued support for Ukraine and to supply it with even more powerful weapons, which not only does not contribute to peace but exposes Poland to become the target of a possible Russian attack.
Russia already seems to have taken a stance of continuing to attack until someone sits down to negotiate peace, obviously on its terms since it considers itself the winner of the conflict. In recent days, it has demonstrated its bombing capabilities, either with drones or missiles. The Americans are trying to block China, a major Russian supplier in terms of technology. Washington is trying to interrupt the supply of some high-tech machines to the Chinese, thereby trying to curb Chinese support for Russia. We doubt that this will turn out to be very effective as the economic blockade was not effective. The supplier companies, private European companies that supply the equipment, will not want to lose money for an order from the Americans. Biden and his entourage were very weakened, to verify it it is enough to look at the polls.