23.12.2023 13:42
A fines de noviembre informamos del accidente fatal de una aeronave CV-22 Osprey de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos que se había perdido en las proximidades de la pequeña isla de Yakushima, frente a la costa sur del Japón. En ese mismo artículo hacíamos un listado de accidentes e incidentes relativamente recientes de estas aeronaves que últimamente han sufrido diversos percances por lo que una comisión del Congreso de los Estados Unidos está iniciando una investigación sobre su seguridad.
La mayoría de los convertiplanos en cuestión se encuentran en tierra por razones de seguridad, de prevención. Eso incluye a los aparatos japoneses, socios de los Estados Unidos en este programa. Sólo se autorizan algunos vuelos de excepción al Cuerpo de Marines de los Estados Unidos. El último accidente, el de Japón, se habría debido no a una falla humana sino a una falla técnica. Entre los problemas técnicos que tienen los Osprey se encuentran las fallas de motor, la visibilidad reducida y algunos desperfectos en las cajas de cambios.
MV-22 - Foto: FOX 52 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en (La imagen original ha sido redimensionada)
El V-22 Osprey es una aeronave militar polivalente, catalogada como convertiplano o aeronave de rotores basculantes, que tiene capacidad tanto de despegue y aterrizaje verticales como de despegue y aterrizaje cortos. Las aparatos en cuestión pueden transportar un número importante de efectivos militares mucho más rápido y mucho más lejos que los helicópteros convencionales pero dejan abiertas diversas preguntas sobre su seguridad. Se entiende el problema que representa para las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses no poder contar con estos aparatos tan versátiles que ahora están a la espera de una profunda investigación por parte de un comité del Congreso estadounidense.
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At the end of November we reported the fatal crash of a United States Air Force CV-22 Osprey aircraft that had been lost near the small island of Yakushima, off the southern coast of Japan. In that same article we published a list of recent accidents and incidents involving these aircraft that have recently suffered various mishaps. Now a United States Congressional commission is initiating an investigation into their safety.
Most of this convertiplanes have been grounded for safety and prevention reasons. This includes Japanese Ospreys. Only some exceptional flights are authorized for the United States Marine Corps. The last accident, the one in Japan, would have been the result of a technical failure. Among the technical problems that the Ospreys have are engine failures, reduced visibility and some gearboxes issues.
The V-22 Osprey is a multipurpose military convertiplane or tiltrotor aircraft, which has the capacity for both vertical takeoff and landing and short takeoff and landing. These convertiplanes can transport a significant number of military personnel much faster and much further than conventional helicopters but questions are being raised about their safety.
At the end of November we reported the fatal crash of a United States Air Force CV-22 Osprey aircraft that had been lost near the small island of Yakushima, off the southern coast of Japan. In that same article we published a list of recent accidents and incidents involving these aircraft that have recently suffered various mishaps. Now a United States Congressional commission is initiating an investigation into their safety.
Most of this convertiplanes have been grounded for safety and prevention reasons. This includes Japanese Ospreys. Only some exceptional flights are authorized for the United States Marine Corps. The last accident, the one in Japan, would have been the result of a technical failure. Among the technical problems that the Ospreys have are engine failures, reduced visibility and some gearboxes issues.
The V-22 Osprey is a multipurpose military convertiplane or tiltrotor aircraft, which has the capacity for both vertical takeoff and landing and short takeoff and landing. These convertiplanes can transport a significant number of military personnel much faster and much further than conventional helicopters but questions are being raised about their safety.
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