RUSIA AMENAZA CON ATACAR UN DESTRUCTOR BRITÁNICO (The English version of the article is available below the Spanish one)
02.01.2024 07:43
Cuando recientemente los rusos tomaron la ciudad de Márinka, los ucranianos intentaron distraer la atención o tomar una represalia mediante un ataque a un gran buque de desembarco ruso. Como respuesta a eso, los rusos lanzaron un inmenso ataque de misiles contra diversos objetivos ucranianos. Nuevamente hubo una respuesta ucraniana en forma de ataques a la ciudad rusa de Bélgorod. Los rusos están respondiendo con masivos ataques de misiles y de drones. Hay que destacar algo, los rusos aseguran que el ataque a su buque de desembarco fue posibilitado tanto por misiles como por datos de Gran Bretaña, por lo que ahora dicen que podrían llegar a atacar directamente a algún buque británico, concretamente al destructor HMS Diamond. Así lo informa Pravda en su versión digital. Si bien se considera esto como poco probable, ya que la represalia rusa se está dando en forma de ataques a objetivos en territorio ucraniano, el llamado a atención a Gran Bretaña fue clarísimo y existe cierto riesgo de una escalada del conflicto en momentos en que se están desarrollando conversaciones secretas de paz; una de ellas fue la reciente reunión secreta del grupo G7.
Un involucramiento británico tan directo es pernicioso para la Unión Europea, de la cual el Reino Unido llamativamente se retiró mediante el Brexit y a la que ahora está empujando a una guerra que alimenta constantemente con provocaciones y entregas de armas e información a los ucranianos. Son los propios ucranianos quienes más padecen el recalentamiento del conflicto ya que la pérdida de soldados en la contraofensiva ucraniana fue tremenda sin que se obtuvieran grandes avances, por el contrario Rusia está avanzando sobre los territorios que los ucranianos pudieron ir recuperando a través de su contraofensiva a un costo altísimo ya que chocaron contra poderosas líneas de defensa rusas.
Destructor Tipo 45 HMS Diamond - Foto: Brian Burnell - Este archivo tiene licencia (La imagen original ha sido redimensionada)
Si las reuniones en el marco del G7 y otras fracasan, la guerra podría extenderse por un largo período de tiempo. Este hecho está repercutiendo sobre toda Ucrania: en los ataques posteriores al ataque al buque ruso, los misiles de Moscú llegaron tan lejos como Lviv, prácticamente en la frontera con Polonia. Rusia se está preparando para una guerra eventualmente larga mediante la fabricación y adquisición de armamento, mediante la modernización del mismo y mediante la recuperación y acondicionamiento de viejos tanques. Recientemente aparecieron en Internet fotos satelitales mostrando cómo Rusia estaba recuperando antiguos tanques y modernizándolos, incluso al aire libre. Convendría que las conversaciones del G7 fueran acompañadas por hechos por parte de Europa, que es la que, después de Ucrania, más se ve perjudicada por la continuidad de esta guerra. El Mar Rojo también se está recalentando y la atención mundial ahora se centra ahí.
When the Russians recently took the town of Marinka, the Ukrainians attempted to divert attention or retaliate by attacking a large Russian landing ship. In response to that, the Russians launched an immense missile attack against various Ukrainian targets. Again there was a Ukrainian response in the form of attacks on the Russian city of Belgorod. The Russians are responding with massive missile and drone stikes. Let's highlighting something, the Russians claim that the attack on their landing ship was made possible by both missiles and data from Great Britain, so they now say they could attack a British ship, specifically the destroyer HMS Diamond. This is reported by Pravda in its digital version. Although, since Russian retaliation is taking the form of attacks on targets in Ukrainian territory, this is considered unlikely, the message to Great Britain was clear and there is a certain risk of an escalation of the conflict at a time when secret peace talks are taking place; one of them was the recent secret meeting of the G7.
Such direct British involvement is pernicious for the European Union, from which the United Kingdom conspicuously withdrew through the Brexit and which it is now pushing into a war that it constantly fuels with provocations and deliveries of weapons and information to the Ukrainians. It is the Ukrainians themselves who suffer the most since the loss of soldiers in the Ukrainian counteroffensive was tremendous without great progress being made. On the contrary, Russia is advancing on the territories that the Ukrainians were able to recover during their counteroffensive.
If the G7 and other meetings fail, the war could drag on for a long period of time. Besides, Moscow's missiles reached as far as Lviv, on the border with Poland. Russia is preparing for an eventual long war by manufacturing and acquiring weapons, modernizing them, and recovering and reconditioning old tanks. Satellite photos recently appeared on the Internet showing how Russia was recovering old tanks and modernizing them, even outdoors. It would be advisable for the G7 talks to be accompanied by actions on the part of Europe, which is being harmed by the continuation of this war. The Red Sea is also warming and the world's attention is now focused there.
When the Russians recently took the town of Marinka, the Ukrainians attempted to divert attention or retaliate by attacking a large Russian landing ship. In response to that, the Russians launched an immense missile attack against various Ukrainian targets. Again there was a Ukrainian response in the form of attacks on the Russian city of Belgorod. The Russians are responding with massive missile and drone stikes. Let's highlighting something, the Russians claim that the attack on their landing ship was made possible by both missiles and data from Great Britain, so they now say they could attack a British ship, specifically the destroyer HMS Diamond. This is reported by Pravda in its digital version. Although, since Russian retaliation is taking the form of attacks on targets in Ukrainian territory, this is considered unlikely, the message to Great Britain was clear and there is a certain risk of an escalation of the conflict at a time when secret peace talks are taking place; one of them was the recent secret meeting of the G7.
Such direct British involvement is pernicious for the European Union, from which the United Kingdom conspicuously withdrew through the Brexit and which it is now pushing into a war that it constantly fuels with provocations and deliveries of weapons and information to the Ukrainians. It is the Ukrainians themselves who suffer the most since the loss of soldiers in the Ukrainian counteroffensive was tremendous without great progress being made. On the contrary, Russia is advancing on the territories that the Ukrainians were able to recover during their counteroffensive.
If the G7 and other meetings fail, the war could drag on for a long period of time. Besides, Moscow's missiles reached as far as Lviv, on the border with Poland. Russia is preparing for an eventual long war by manufacturing and acquiring weapons, modernizing them, and recovering and reconditioning old tanks. Satellite photos recently appeared on the Internet showing how Russia was recovering old tanks and modernizing them, even outdoors. It would be advisable for the G7 talks to be accompanied by actions on the part of Europe, which is being harmed by the continuation of this war. The Red Sea is also warming and the world's attention is now focused there.